
Data source classes provide a get_latest() method that acquires the most recent available data file and returns a pathlib.Path object with its location, along with a string denoting the version of that file:

>>> from wags_tails.mondo import MondoData
>>> m = MondoData(silent=False)
>>> m.get_latest(force_refresh=True)
Downloading mondo.obo: 100%|█████████████████| 171M/171M [00:28<00:00, 6.23MB/s]
PosixPath('/Users/genomicmedlab/.local/share/wags_tails/mondo/mondo_v2023-09-12.obo'), 'v2023-09-12'

Initialize the source class with the silent parameter set to True to suppress console output:

>>> from wags_tails.mondo import MondoData
>>> m = MondoData(silent=True)
>>> latest_file, version = m.get_latest(force_refresh=True)

Additional parameters are available to force usage of the most recent locally-available version of the data (from_local=True) or, alternatively, to forcefully re-fetch the most recent data version regardless of local system availability (force_refresh=True). Logically, setting both to True raises a ValueError.


All data is stored within source-specific subdirectories of a designated wags-tails data directory. By default, this location is ~/.local/share/wags_tails/, but it can be configured by passing a Path directly to a data class on initialization, via the $WAGS_TAILS_DIR environment variable, or via XDG data environment variables. This is explicated in full in the get_data_dir() method description.

Custom Data Source#

wags-tails provides a number of built-in methods to handle data access, version sorting, storage, and fetching. Users can employ these methods in their own libraries using the CustomData class by providing parameters for the source name and filetype, as well as callback functions for fetching the most recent version value and downloading the data. For example, the code below supports saving the results of a specified Wikidata query, versioned by day.

import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import json

from wags_tails import CustomData, DataSource
from wags_tails.utils.versioning import DATE_VERSION_PATTERN
from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_helpers import execute_sparql_query

  ?item ?itemLabel
  { ?item (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q12140. }
  { ?item (wdt:P366/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q12140. }
    ?item skos:altLabel ?alias.
    FILTER((LANG(?alias)) = "en")
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

def get_latest_version() -> str:

def download_data(version: str, file: Path) -> None:
    medicine_query_results = execute_sparql_query(SPARQL_QUERY)
    results = medicine_query_results["results"]["bindings"]

    transformed_data = []
    for item in results:
        params: RecordParams = {}
        for attr in item:
            params[attr] = item[attr]["value"]
    with"w+") as f:
        json.dump(transformed_data, f)

data_provider = CustomData(